Friday, April 29, 2011


Just an update.

So this cycle were told by our doctor that the next reasonable step for us was intrauterine insemination aka IUI. This is what many of you know as the "turkey baster" method. This is, unfortunately, more expensive and time consuming than what we've been doing. We decided this was the best cycle for IUI because we had to huge follicles ready to burst so that doubles our chances. This may be TMI for some if you but we're trying to inform you all the best we can. We had 10 million sperm post wash (after the got rid of all the bad sperm and cleaned the good ones). They said that number is pretty good. The procedure went well and we're now on day 5 of our tww.

Keep the prayers coming. We'll update again in the next week or so.

Love you all.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hey all!!! Went to get out sonogram this morning and we have a 24mm follicle on my right side. That's all though :/ Keep the prayers coming!!! Got blood drawn and we're waiting to see if I will ovulate on my own or if I'll have to take my ovulation trigger shot today.

This is the last cycle we're going to be doing with all the stuff we've been doing for the last 3 months. If we don't vet pregnant this month then we will have to meet with out doctor to discuss our next step which will probably be IUI.

IUI is basically the same as what we're doing now but suing ovulation they take the sperm and clean it (haha little spermies in shower caps) and then inject it straight into the uterus. AKA: turkey baster method.

We will keep you all posted! Our TWW starts on Tuesday.

Love and miss you all!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No Luck This Month...

So, as most of you have guessed by now, we are NOT pregnant this month. So the cycle begins again. Tomorrow I will be going in for a sonogram and prescriptions and we start it all over again. We're trying weight loss this month. Its about time we got off our asses and lost the weight we've gained since we met. I've gained about 35 lbs and he's gained about the same.

So...time to get motivated!!!

Any maybe baby next month? I'll keep you all posted as usual.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Our daily encouraging thoughts...

A conversation between husband and wife....


Waiting to exhale...but sooooo excited!

So we are now 9dpo. This is the worst place to be. Still to soon to test but close enough you can taste it. I've been cramping since 7dpo and am tired beyond all comprehension. Also, I've had a horrible bout of nausea. To most this sounds hopeful but we aren't getting our hopes up. Dr. Garcia says there a bug going around that I could have. Way to be a detective, Jairo. There is NO WAY IN HELL I could have come up with that answer without being an MD.

Anyway, on to more exciting/important things! My family is coming this weekend to visit!!!! I cant wait to see everyone. I've missed them so much.